november 16, 2001.

Three super things about today:

  1. a man called this afternoon to offer the Boy a job. Yee! Good things: better pay than the last job; working for a real company instead of a guy on a power trip; no travelling; moderately interesting (tech support). Bad things: they want him to work the night shift which will be outside bus hours; cab fares will eat up $17 a day and put our monthly gross a few dollars above welfare. But all can be negotiated. Car pools arranged, for instance. Also, if he doesn't like it he can quit.

  2. We made pesto from scratch this afternoon and combined it with chicken, sundried tomatoes & mushrooms to produce a down home versh of Pollo Basilico. Mmmmmmmmm. I have paid far too much money for inferior pizza in this town - in a single night we've outshined 4 local pizza joints.

  3. Kerri has an extra ticket for Harry Potter. Tonight!!!! My joy knows no bounds. Really. None.


Three okay things about today:

  1. The Boy's appointment with the Booby Hatch went well, as in they let him go home at the end of it. He's only just now looking into some learning difficulties he's had his whole life - as a bright bulb coming through the public school system in the 80's, nobody ever thought to wonder about certain eccentricities - they just assumed he was chronically lazy or careless about some things. Not to be crass about it or anything, but we are hoping that a diagnosis will help his readmission into university by explaining some of his past performance. Today's appointment was the first step in that diagnoses; now that's he's convinced a doctor that there is something to look for, the tests begin.

  2. I got an extra hour of sleep this morning by skipping the part of the day when I get ready for werk and just plunking down in front of the computer for 5 ½ hours of webpage designing fun. Although to call it webpage design is to do a grave injustice to anyone who is asked to think about their work for more than 30 seconds. Most of what I do these days is convert old websites to the new format. Yup, I'm a gear in the new media. But at least I got that extra hour of sleep.

  3. I learned how to change the numbering system for lists. But I'm sure you figured that out already.


Three bad things about today:

  1. It was my last chance to hop on a bus & do my banking in the nearest branch (3 towns over). I did not do so. This means that I'll have to do it in Toronto, 5 weeks from now.

  2. We thoughtlessly used up all the eggs on dinner yesterday, leaving me with nothing to bake tonight. This is bad news because unlike last week, 'tisn't a mere diversion. I need to give away my baking this weekend, twice to church and then to a baby shower. Oh, why couldn't we have eaten three eggs last night instead of four???

  3. The Boy's NaNoWriMo novel is struggling to live through his writer's block. He's been doing so well that I'd hate to see it go south on him now that it's over halfway done.


this time last year: not worth the loneliness